Radiplex Force- A complete sexual Wellness Product
- Radiplex Force is extra and super concentrated 1:300 Tongkat Ali combined with a proprietary blend of best in class herbs, proven to give best results.
- 1:300 means 300mg of Tongkat Ali root extract is used to make 1mg capsule.
- Radiplex Force is completely research based product & backed up numerous clinical study or trials.
- Each ingredient is scientifically tasted which helps you to increase Energy, Stamina, Strength, Power, Motivation and increases Libido.
- Radiplex Force is completely herbal product & hence does not offer any side effects.
What are the benefits of Radiplex Force?
- Improves blood circulation
- Increases energy levels, endurances & stamina
- Improves drive & performance
- Improves quality of life, well-being & behavior
- Higher sex drive
- Longer, harder and spontaneous erection
- Improves muscle mass, strength and bone density

Boosting Free Testosterone is the ultimate anti-aging formula. Testosterone helps increase a man’s sex drive, produce bigger harder erections, preserves muscle strength and mass, and helps with a youthful appearance and sperm production.
Tongkat Ali is a superior herb that founds mainly into the lush green Southeast Asian forest of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. It works by enhancing the natural defence system of the body and makes it more sustainable against all kind of infections. For increasing the Testosterone level naturally and curing Low testosterone systems people are using Tongkat Ali root extract since long. It naturally increases the male hormone level in the body. The root extract of the Tongkat Ali contains compounds that help many problems related to fertility, improving lean muscle mass and stimulating sexual desire. A double-blind, placebo-controlled research study found that men who are supplemented with controlled and observed daily dosage of Tongkat Ali enjoyed significant improvements in vigour & vitality. Tongkat Ali doesn’t just influence male hormone but also benefits into reducing Cortisol level in the body. Cortisol is known as the stress inducting hormone and when flows in high amount in the body for long period of time it dangerously put man at risk for all manner of diseases.
Tribulus Terrestris is a weed that grows around the world and is commonly known as “Puncture Vine”. The information about it is also available in the Ayurveda. In ancient Indian Ayurveda it is recognized as “Gokshura / Sarrata”. While in the European countries Tribulus Terrestris is widely used for curing hormonal insufficiency in men and women. It has extensively preconisation in many countries as a supplement for body builders and athletes for improving their stamina and strength. It has proven contribution over the physical, vigour and vitality of men and women for building lean mass and tissues. And revival and enhancement of “ShukraDhatu” according to Ayurveda. Tribulus arouse standard production of Luteinizing hormones (LH) from the pituitary gland and helps body to maintain healthy Male hormone.
According to tale, the aphrodisiac excellence of this plant was revealed over 3,000 years ago when a Chinese shepherd observed improved “passion” in his goats after they ate this common plant. Epimedium, also known as barrenwort, bishop’s hat and fairy wings.Icarin is the main active ingredient in Epimedium. Icarin stimulates nerves throughout the body. It also increases nitric oxide levels. Nitric oxide relaxes muscles and causes blood vessels to open up. This increases healthy circulation throughout the body.
Panax is derived from Greek Panakos. Thanks to its cure-all nature and Ginseng as a component it is said to mean as a “wonder of the world” for men. When we see backwards the Ginseng is used as a alternative medicines since last 5,000 years. The root of Panax Ginseng is mainly used for the medicinal purpose in China, Korea and Japan. It affects on the aging process by improving cognitive performance, coping with stress and overall well-being. Also known as a “man root” and “re-energizing tonic” Panax Ginseng is best for gaining strength, energy, stamina, improved libido and vitality. It also helps to get better thinking, concentration, memory and work efficiency and physical stamina. Athletic worldwide use it for getting physical endurance.
Zinc is one of the most critical trace mineral for all vital function of the body. Stat from the birth Zinc is involved in virtually in every aspect of growing like recreation and hormonal metabolism. Zinc normally found in seminal fluid which increases the important male hormonal balance and secretion. While on the other side the deficiency of Zinc is characterized by decreased male productive hormone. The deficiency of Zinc is also responsible for infertility and lower sperm counts in men.